Football in the Community
A subsidiary of Poppleton Community Trust (Registered charity No.523984)
Wind Turbine
Since October 2011 you can't help but notice our shiny new wind turbine spinning gracefully at the far end of our ground.
The wind turbine was part funded by a £15,000 grant under the Community Sustainable Energy Programme - Capital Grants Scheme (Big Lottery Fund).
The wind turbine generates electricity that not only helps to power our new sports pavilion but also feeds in to the National Grid to provide energy to the rest of the United Kingdom. All surplus energy that is fed into the National Grid benefits our club as we are then paid an income for each Kilowatt Hour (KWh) of energy that the wind turbine produces.
You can see more details about the energy that the turbine produces on a viewing screen inside the entrance foyer at the sports pavilion.
You can also see more details below on just how much energy our Wind Turbine has produced. The reimbursement is the amount in £'s that we have earnt so far for the surplus energy we have generated and fed into the National Grid. You can also see how much CO2 has been avoided by producing this energy from a renewable source.